New index

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When creating a new smart search index, you are asked to enter the following details:


Display name: name of the index displayed in the administration interface
Code name: name of the index used in website code (the fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters long, the directory name must be less than 241 characters long)
Analyzer type: type of analyzer that will be used when indexing the content of your site, the following types are available:
Standard - grammar-based analyzer (stop-words, shortcuts, ...), very efficient for English, but need not produce satisfactory results with other languages
Simple - divides text at non-letter characters
Stop - contains a collection of stop-words at which it divides the text
White space - divides text at whitespaces
Keyword - tokenizes the entire stream as a single token; this is useful for data like zip codes, ids, and some product names
Stop words - dictionary containing words which will be omitted from indexing (e.g. 'and', 'or', ...) when Stop or Standard analyzer is used; the dictionaries are stored in ~\App_Data\CMSModules\SmartSearch\_StopWords
Index type: type of content to be indexed (only for Stop and Standard analyzers)
Documents - indexes content of documents in the content tree
Forums - indexes content of discussion forums
Users - indexes details about system users - fields of the CMS_User system table
Custom tables - indexes records in custom tables
Assign index to site <sitename> - if checked, the index will be assigned to the site whose name is displayed