Add/Edit graph button

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This form is used for creating report graphs. You can find descriptions of particular parameters in the following table:


Display name

Display name of the graph

Code name

Code name of the graph


Database query that extracts a dataset that will be displayed in the graph; it must return at least two columns - first one for categories, the other columns are used for values.

Is stored procedure

Determines if the specified query is a stored procedure.

Graph type

the following graph types are available:

Pie - pie graph, accepts only one column for values, value in the third column is used for setting 'pie pieces' offset


Bar - bar graph, accepts multiple values and displays them next to each other


Bar overlay - bar graph, accepts multiple values and displays them behind each other with the lower values in the front


Bar stacked - bar graph, accepts multiple values and displays them on top of each other


Bar percentage - bar graph, accepts multiple values, displays one column for each category and divides it by percentage determined by the values


Line - line graph, accepts multiple values and displays them as separate lines

Use vertical bars                    


If checked, the bars are displayed vertically instead of horizontally; used only for bar graphs

Reverse y-axis

Reverses the vertical axis; used only for bar and line graphs

Use ten powers

If large values are present in the graph, they are divided by appropriate ten powers and the divide ratio is displayed with the y-axis title

Show grid

Shows thin dotted line grid in the graph chart; used only for bar and line graphs

Fill curves

Fills the space under the curves with a color; used only for line graphs

Smooth curves

Smooths lines of the line graph


Title of the graph

X axis title

Title of the horizontal axis in the graph

Y axis title

Title of the vertical axis in the graph


Width of the graph image


Height of the graph image

Legend position

Position of the legend in the graph

Title font

Determines font properties of the graph title

Axis font

Determines font properties of axis titles

X-axis angle

Determines declination angle of X-axis descriptions; setting this parameter to 90 causes upright descriptions

Y-axis angle

Determines declination angle of Y-axis descriptions

Scale min

Determines the minimum value from that will values in the graph be displayed

Scale max

Determines the maximum value up to that will values in the graph be displayed

Use colors

Determines colors used for graph items; accepts standard HTML color names or hexadecimal color codes divided by a semicolon; if lesser number of colors than is entered, remaining colors are generated automatically

Use symbols

Determines symbols used for values in the line graphs; accepts: Circle, Diamond, HDash, Plus, Square, Star, Triangle, TriangleDown, VDash, XCross; if None is entered, no symbols will be used

Graph gradient

Gradient of the graph background; The From and To fields accept standard HTML color names or hexadecimal color codes, the Angle field sets gradient declination

Chart gradient

Gradient of the graph chart; The From and To fields accept standard HTML color names or hexadecimal color codes, the Angle field sets gradient declination; used only for line and bar graphs

Item gradient

Gradient of the items in the graph; The From field accepts standard HTML color names or hexadecimal color codes, the Angle field sets gradient declination; the To field is disabled here